Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pickin' pumkins

While Brooklyn and mommy made brownies, Sydney and I went way out in the country to get pumpkins from Uncle Wally's Pumpkin Mart.

"Whoa!  Where did all these pumpkins come from?"

"I think I can pick up all of these.  Lift with your legs, not with your back."

"I can pick up this wimpy one with just two fingers."

"Some guy in the parking lot just told my daddy he had a good looking son.  Seriously, dude, I'm wearing pastel polka dots!"

1 comment:

Saved by Grace said...

I can't believe some guy thought our beautiful, sturdy girl was a dude! Well, same thing happened to Kelly and look how gorgeous she turned out. Beautiful pictures. Keep 'em comin'.