Friday, May 11, 2012

How To Raise Kids Who Don't Follow The Herd

Grandma Sara and Brooklyn
What better gift to give your mom on Mother's Day than to tell her something you've learned from her, I ask?

"Brian, how about an iPad or something.  Wouldn't that be a better gift?"  Well, maybe, but this is cheaper, so here goes.

One of best lessons I've learned from my mom is best illustrated from something that happened in 8th grade. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Going to the marathon expo with kids? You HAVE to do this.

Extra Snickers bars? Check
If you're going to run marathons and race triathlons, you have to get your family on board.

One of the best ways to get your kids to love it is to have them go 'trick -or-treating' at the race expo. My girls, 5 and 6, absolutely love this. They each get one of the many bags vendors hang out, and then they go around to all the vendors and say "trick or treat!" And since they're cute little girls and not greedy adult runners, venders just love giving them tons of free stuff. At the last expo we attended, I got a few gels and a bottled water from vendors. My girls each got tech tees (adult medium, but who cares) race finisher medals, a bunch of gels, bars, waters, gatorades, shaving cream- probably $100+ in free stuff. The girls didn't want any of it, they just had fun 'trick-or-treating". And I had enough gels to last for months.
Scary Disney Marathon Poster!

As my friend Shawn says, "Kids are expensive! You might as well get some money back from them."

 Have fun at the expo!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Janet Evans- How To Turn A Dream Into A Goal

Janet Evans is making an incredible comeback- attempting to reach the Olympic Games in London at age 40, after taking several years off to get married and beginning raising her family.

How does Janet balancing being a wife and mom while competing professionally at the highest levels on earth?

How you turn a dream into reality, at any age?

Watch to learn answers to these questions and more!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What Is So Repulsive About Scott Hamilton? (Interview)

Here's my interview the man who might be the most positive person on earth, Scott Hamilton-

-What do his friends find so repulsive about him?

-What would a "Scott Hamilton Personal Ad" look like?

-How can you overcome even the worst situations?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How To Break Through The Training Wall In Your First Marathon

A lot of runners hit a wall training for their first marathon, especially when they do their first 14- or 15-mile long run. Sure, they’ve likely done 13.1 miles in a half marathon, but somehow going past that distance is a post-half marathon barrier that makes newer runners want to quit. I have two in-laws training for their first marathon, so I asked my local triathlon club and the LinkedIn Marathon Finishers Group this question- "How in the world did you break through that training barrier for your first marathon?" And you know what? The world answered back.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Remembering Steve Bridges, My Friend and Famous George W. Impersonator

It's very sad to hear the news of the passing of Steve Bridges. It's pretty shocking, as he was only 48, and I'd just booked him for a very successful event three weeks ago. If you don't know Steve, he's an incredibly talented comedian and impersonator, most notably of President George W. Bush. Bush was a huge fan of Steve's and even did a Press Club event with Steve acting as his internal monologue.

I actually knew Steve long before all that. He'd started out

Friday, February 24, 2012

Darrell Waltrip: The Tragedy of Dale Earnhardt's Last Race

Darrell Waltrip was kind enough to sit down with me and talk about one the happiest days of his life- his first day in the broadcast booth, calling his younger brother's first ever win- which became one of his saddest.

So did Darrell Waltrip really put me in a headlock during the interview?