Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Want to Change? Just Get A New Name

Many times we come up against a tough obstacle, problem, or issue that we know we need to tackle, but mentally, we're not there. We're stuck on who we think we are, or what limits we have on what we can do. A great way to beat this mental roadblock is to simply get a new name.

Monday, April 26, 2010

My 2010 Triathlon Race Schedule

I'm very excited about having my first 'full' triathlon season. If you're a member of USAT (USA Triathlon), you need need to complete 3 USAT sanctioned events before you qualify for a national ranking. I might be 74,398 out of 75,202, but at least I'll be ranked! Plus, having run the Miami Marathon (26.2 miles) and Country Music Half Marathon (13.1 miles) already this year,