Brooklyn and Sydney both love the outdoors, but for completely different reasons. Our daughter Sydney loves rocks, and to a lesser degrees, sticks. If you look at the picture, you'll see she's got rocks in one hand, and sticks in the other. Any walk we go on can be delayed by her plopping down on her knees to admire a pile of gravel. She really works on her craft, too. We have a 10 pound medicine ball in the basement, and the first thing she does is take her 28 pound self over to it and lift it up. For comparison sake, that's like a 180 pound adult picking up a 65 pound ball and lugging it around. I really think this is all so she can go and pick up big rocks, which inevitably tries to do.
One of our goals is to have the girls visit their cities- sometime we'll take the family to Brooklyn, New York, and, of course, Sydney Australia. We're going to have take them in to the interior to see Uluru, the world's largest monolith, and second largest rock. If we were to go there today, I'm sure her first instinct would be to go over to it and try to lift it up.
Brooklyn Bugs
Our girls actually make a pretty good team. Sydney lifts up the rocks, and Brooklyn looks under them for bugs and worms.